Jump$tart Clearinghouse is a database of curated financial education resources.
Featured Partner Resources
The Weird Way Taxes Impact Behavior is a primer on how tax policies can influence behavior through the power of incentives. Students learn how tax policies impact the buildings we live in, the cars …
About Us
The Jump$tart Clearinghouse is the nation’s premier searchable database of curated financial education resources from hundreds of reputable providers. The Clearinghouse lists only those resources that meet our listing criteria and align with the National Standards for Personal Financial Education. Resources listed in the Clearinghouse must be educational or informational only, and may not be used to sell or promote financial products and services.
The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit coalition of more than 100 national Partners and a network of independent state affiliates, headquartered in Washington, DC. Jump$tart is the original promoter of April as national Financial Literacy Month, co-publisher of the National Standards for Personal Financial Education, co-coordinator of Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill, and leader of the Check Your School public-engagement campaign. We support teachers through our J$FFE Online learning program and annual National Educator Conference. Learn more about the coalition at Jumpstart.org.
Ask the Jump$tart Team
Have a question about the Clearinghouse? The Jump$tart Team is happy to take your questions.
Check Your School
Jump$tart is on a mission to get effective financial education into every elementary, middle, and high school across the country. To achieve this, our Check Your School campaign is harnessing the power of parents – and others – to ask for financial education programs at their own kids’ schools. Learn more about the campaign and how you can help, here.
How You Can Help
As a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, the Jump$tart Coalition relies on generous support from individuals and organizations that share our commitment to "financial smarts for students." Your contribution helps us keep the Jump$tart Clearinghouse and other resources free for all users.